

奥古斯塔科技校园商店 is located in the Student Services (1300 Building) on the 奥古斯塔 campus of 买世界杯app推荐. We are a member of NACS (National Association of College Stores) and GACS (Georgia Association of College Stores.) This has allowed us to become a valuable resource for our students, faculty and staff members. 我们也向公众开放.


New and used books are available for sale along with a great variety of other merchandise such as school 供应, 服装和其他礼品.





在这里下载你的Office 365. 使用您的Smartweb电子邮件和密码登录.


It is strongly recommended that new students attend all classes on the first day of the term to obtain a complete list of textbooks and 供应 needed.

Always bring your class schedule or syllabus with you when you come to the Bookstore. 这将极大地帮助我们卖给你正确的书.


是的. 我们确实卖旧书.  They are subject to availability and are first come, first served.







Below is a listing of the different kinds of financial aid that can be used and the items that can be purchased.

  1. HOPE GED -书籍和用品.
  2. 采购产品书籍,用品和书包/背包.
  3. WIA (Richmond/Burke Counties) - Required books only - No 供应.
  4. WIA (East Central Consortium) - Required books only - No 供应.
  5. VA康复(VA) -只需要书籍. 25美元供应限额. 学生 are responsible for the exact amount of supply allotment. 一次性访问. 可能包括一个计算器. 除非提供适当的签名,否则不得收取书包费用. 这是25美元补给品之外的. 所有的指控都直接送到退伍军人康复中心.
  6. Third Party (TPTY) - Required books only with the exception of TAA. 见下文.
  7. Third Party (TAA) - Required books and $25 in 供应; including a calculator if needed. 请联系学生账户的Sonya Ellis以获得进一步的解释.

    * If you have any questions about your Pell or Loan amounts, you must see the Financial Aid Office.
    ** Financial aid can only be used in the Bookstore up to the date listed on your Account Detail by Term printout. 这可以通过您的奥古斯塔 Tech Smartweb帐户获得.    



  • New or used books must be returned or exchanged within one week from date of purchase.
  • Refunds on all items purchased by check require a ten-business day waiting period from date of purchase.
  • A Student ID Card or Picture ID and original cash register receipt is required for any returns or exchanges.
  • 有缺陷的新书将免费换货. 二手书不保用. 
  • 非必读书籍恕不退款, 供应, 一般商品, 背包, 衣服或糖果/零食. 
  • No refund or exchange on any novel or trade book without drop form from 招生.
  • New books that are purchased must be in NEW condition to be returned. 这意味着它们应该是: 
  • 无任何标记. 铅笔、墨水、荧光笔等.) 
  • Shrink-wrapped material and/or sealed codes must be unopened and unused. 
  • 书中包含的任何软件(CDROM等)必须未打开.